Coding a Jabber Bot in Perl

I finally got it to work and it is not so difficult with the right packages (Net::XMPP) and parameters …

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::XMPP;

# Config params #

my $hostName = '';
my $portNumber = 5222;
my $componentName = '';
my $userName = 'totosk1008';
my $passWord = 'totosk1008';
my $resource = 'NiceLittleBot';
my $tls = 0;
my $connectionType = 'tcpip';

my $debugLevel = 0;

# Create the client
my $bot = new Net::XMPP::Client(debuglevel => $debugLevel);

onconnect       => &connectedCB,       # gets called when connected
onauth          => &authedCB,          # when authenticated
ondisconnect    => &disconnectedCB,    # when disconnected

$bot->SetMessageCallBacks(                      # callback for messages
chat            => &messageCB,         # chat-type messages

$bot->Execute(                                          # entering the main loop
hostname        => $hostName,
port            => $portNumber,
tls                     => $tls,
username        => $userName,
password        => $passWord,
resource        => $resource,
register        => 0,
connectiontype  => $connectionType,

# Callbacks  #

sub messageCB {                 # call back implementing the echo
my $sid = shift;
my $msg = shift;

my $from = $msg->GetFrom;
my $to = $msg->GetTo;

my $name;
my $data;

print "From : ", $from, "\n",
"Subject : ", $msg->GetSubject, "\n",
$msg->GetBody, "\n";

$name = $msg->GetBody;

$data = $msg->GetBody;

print ">>$name<<\n";
print $data, "\n";

to              => $from,
from    => $to,
resource        => 'Gaim',
type    => $msg->GetType,
subject => $msg->GetSubject,
body    => $data,

sub connectedCB {
print "Connected\n";

sub authedCB {
print "Authed\n";

sub disconnectedCB {
print "Disconnected\n";