WordPress : Error while auto-saving, saving, commenting

If you got the following error in WordPress when saving, auto-saving, or commenting on a post :
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to submissions.ask.com:80 in /path/to/blog/wp-includes/class-snoopy.php on line 1150 then keep reading 😉

The answer is at the WordPress Support website.

Bottom line: it might be caused by the Google XML sitemaps module (great module to generate an XML sitemap) which can’t ping ask.com.

Solution : Stop pinging ask.com by going to options->XML-Sitemap and uncheck “Notify Ask.com”, “Update Options” and voilà.

4 thoughts on “WordPress : Error while auto-saving, saving, commenting”

  1. Wow, exactly what i was looking for and fixed the problem right away, i was reading how my blog could have been hacked and other crazy ideas, and what you said fixed it in 1 minute. 🙂 Thanks for the info…cheers

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