Linux – RedHat (or CentOS) : update system and packages with yum

In order to keep your system updates (especially important for security fixes) on a RedHat linux system (or CentOS), you can simply perform the following command :
yum update
You’ll then be presented with a list of available updates for your system.

Doing so from time to time will help you to keep your system secure and to get the latest versions of your softwares.

If you wonder how to do the same with a Debian Linux system, check out my previous post about Apt, the Debian package manager.

2 thoughts on “Linux – RedHat (or CentOS) : update system and packages with yum”

  1. Hi,

    just some details :
    – yum is used for CentOS 4 and 5 (don’t know for previous releases), but RHEL 4 uses up2date; RHEL 5 uses yum;
    – if you don’t want to bother about updates and don’t care about controlling what you update, there is a daemon named “yum-updatesd”, with an init.d script.

    Hope this helps !

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