Book review : “Mind Performance Hacks”, Ron Hale-Evans, O’Reilly

Mind Performance Hacks: Tips & Tools for Overclocking Your Brain (Hacks)Mind Performance Hacks is a sort of “self improvement guide”. It offers 75 hacks which will hopefully help you think better, remember better, be more creative … be more mentally efficient generally speaking.

The book is divided in 8 chapters, each of them being focused on a specific mental capacity such as building a better memory (Chapter 1), improving your mental arithmetic (Chapter 7), or keeping your brain at the top of its sharpness by giving it an adequate workout (Chapter 8).

For people not already knowing the “Hacks” collection of O’Reilly, each hack is a practical and immediately usable tool, which will help in your day to day life.

For example, in the Chapter 1 about memory, you will learn how to easily remember a list of 10 things by making helpful mental associations that your brain is likely to remember. In Chapter 2, about information processing, you’ll learn to use mindmaps to organize your ideas. In chapter 7, about maths, you’ll learn to use your hands like an abacus.

Many of the hacks contain a “How it works” paragraph which looks at how the brain works to explain why the hack works. Quite interesting !

The author has a clear style, really few of the hacks didn’t really make sense to me, so all in all it is really an interesting book which I would happily recommand to anyone.

Book facts :

  • Author : Ron Hale-Evans
  • Title : Mind Performance Hacks : Tips and tools for overclocking your brain
  • Editor : O’Reilly
  • 75 Hacks
  • 8 Chapters (Memory, Information processing, Creativity, Maths, Decision making, Communication, Clarity, Mental fitness)
  • 309 pages
  • ISBN : 0-596-10153-8

Mind Performance Hacks: Tips & Tools for Overclocking Your Brain (Hacks)

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